Bonaire 2016 Pictures: Thursday


This gallery contains 24 photos.

Thursday started with a pair of boat dives. For me, the first one was kind of embarrassing, as I burned through my air and was the first one back on the boat. The second one was actually pretty productive, as … Continue reading

Bonaire 2016 Pictures: Tuesday


This gallery contains 18 photos.

Tuesday morning we drove to the north to a site called “Oil Slick Leap”. The site is set on a cliff of about 8 feet, and you can either climb down a ladder, or jump off the cliff into the … Continue reading

Bonaire 2016 Pictures: Monday


This gallery contains 18 photos.

Monday morning saw our first boat dives. We left the dock just past 8, and headed off for the far side of Kleine Bonaire. The first site was “Rockpile”; the second one I don’t remember the name of. Both were … Continue reading

Four Dives

I’m sitting here on the patio of our unit, looking at the sun set over the sea. It’s been a long day, and I’m a good kind of tired.

The day started at 5:10 this morning, when the alarm went off for our dawn dive. Paul had proposed it last night, and Joe, Chris, Brie and I had taken him up on it. Paul himself was at the dock, but skipped the dive, having had a tiring night the night before with his spaghetti supper. Continue reading

First Boat Dives

This morning, we did our first boat dives. We left the dock shortly after 8 with all twenty of us and our guides Remy and Connor. The first dive was at a site called “Rockpile”; I don’t remember the name of the second site.

Rockpile is on the other side of Kleine Bonaire, a small deserted island off the western coast of the main island. The site sloped down from about 20 feet into the depths; I mostly stayed shallow. I’ve had a regulator free-flow that’s been costing me bottom time so I didn’t want to go too deep.

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