Between weather and family stuff and a new motorcycle, I haven’t been diving much at all this year. A couple of weeks ago, Andrew and I did Loblolly Cove; I knew I’d see some neat stuff as soon as I … Continue reading →
Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to go diving again off my friend Jack’s boat. The weather was perfect, and the water had warmed up quite nicely after the 46° of my last dives. After heading out the Annisquam River, we … Continue reading →
Sunday, I was fortunate enough to go on a boat dive with my friend Jack, along with his wife Jane and their friends Barbara and Karen. As we approached the Gloucester drawbridge, we could see a bunch of sails in … Continue reading →
I was fortunate enough to go for a pair of boat dives with my friend Jack Hinz yesterday. The weather was just great – on the way out, we could see Boston in the distance. Because of the wind direction, … Continue reading →
I did the East Coast Divers shore dive to Folly Cove a week ago Sunday. I took most of June and July off from diving, but Folly is one of my favorite sites, especially the left wall. At one point, … Continue reading →
Two of the folks I was fortunate enough to meet during my trips to Bonaire are Jack and Jane Hinz. Jack is an old friend of Paul Adler’s; with Paul, he was one of the first people to dive the … Continue reading →
I did my last dive of the season today. There were three of us, plus Dan Easa of East Coast Divers, and we ended up at Old Garden Beach in Rockport. Despite the impending storm two days away, the sea was flat, and the sun was relatively warm once the fog burned off. Once we were in the water, we snorkeled out to about get some depth under us, then descended. We swam over the sandy bottom, then moved further out into the rocks. There were lots of crabs, of several different sorts, plus we saw a sea robin and a school of fish. Continue reading →
I put away the the dive gear the weekend the snow came, but with 65 degree weather forecast, when I saw Alex was running a shore dive, I decided to go with it. When I got to the Burger King, … Continue reading →