I went down the Cape last Saturday to help my Uncle Tom reshingle the woodshed here. It was built by my uncles probably around 50 years ago, and the roof shingles looked their age. So we spent the day stripping the shingles off the back side, got the back side entirely reshingled, and got the first two courses of the front side done. We stopped around 3:45, as Tom needed to get to church.
I had the drone with me, and shot some video of Nauset Marsh, starting from Hemenway Landing, then headed over to Rock Harbor to get some pictures of the harbor.
Rock Harbor is a situated at the mouth of a tidal marsh; the tidal creek wends its way quite a distance from the bay, almost to Route 6. There are jetties at the ends of the entrance, and the Community of Jesus campus is just to the west of the Orleans parking lot. I drove over to the Eastham side, and sent the drone up.
Docks on the Eastham Side
Sinuous swirls in the salt creek
Loop at the end of the road
Looking into the harbor from the Bay
Community of Jesus campus
The slips on the Orleans side
The corner of the Orleans side
Looking into the marsh
Looking westward towards the Bay from the marsh
Looking toward the Community of Jesus campus
The Eastham mouth of the harbor
Looking into the harbor from the Bay