Thursday morning, I revisited Karpata for the first time in fourteen years:
Sea finger, sponge, algae
Smooth Trunkfish
Tiny fish above the coral
Blue Tang
French Angelfish
Sea Rod
Sea Plumes
Coral and star coral
Spanish Hogfish
Seafloor near the exit point
For the afternoon, we did two boat dives, the first on the northern side of Klein Bonaire, and the second, just off of Oil Slick Leap.
Spotted Trunkfish
Bluestriped Grunt
Looking straight into convoluted barrel sponges
French Grunt
Corals and sponges
French Angelfish under the boat
Scaled Lettuce Coral
Juvenile stoplight parrotfish
Branching Tube sponges
Barred Hamlet
Bluetailed grunt
little fish and star coral
Rock Beauty
Blue Chromis and brain coral
Harlequin Bass