With no boat dives scheduled, we ended up shore diving on Wednesday. We ended up improvising our destination when we got to Salt Pier and found a freighter occupying it; instead we went to Aquarius to the north, and Pink Beach to the south. I think I was starting to get choosier about what I was shooting; I see I have fewer pictures today.
Knobby Sea Rods
Convoluted Barrell sponge
Yellowtail Snappers
French Angelfish
Stoplight Parrotfish (Initial Stage)
Brown sponge,star sponge and fairy basslets
Coral and Chromis
Azure Vase Sponge
Spanish Hogfish
Foureye Butterflyfish
Stoplight parrotfish (terminal phase)
House Reef
Wednesday afternoon, we found it was too windy to head north to Karpata, so we contented ourself with another dive off the Buddy dive reef.
Queen Angelfish
Schoolmaster Snapper
Smallmouth Grunt
Bluestriped Grunt
Smallmouth Grunts
Blackbar Soldierfish