Tuesday was a four dive day for me; two boat dives in the morning, a boat dive in the afternoon, and finally, a private dive off the dock just for myself.
Morning Dives
Mahogany Snapper
Black Barred Soldierfish
Blue Chromis
Foureye Butterflyfish
Stove pipe sponges
Azure Vase Sponge
Fairy basslets and brain coral
Blackbar Soldierfish
Christmastree worm nestled in star coral
Yellowtail Snappers
Christmastree worm nestled in star coral
Sea fan
French Angelfish
Blue Chromis
Yellowtail damselfish juvenile. Note the electric blue spots
Yellowtail Snappers
Blue Chromis
Flower coral
Threespot damsellfish above pencil coral
Queen Parrotfish (terminal phase)
Creole Wrasse
Creole Wrasse
? and stoplight parrotfish
Smallmouth Grunt
Sea plumes and star coral
Blue Chromis
Old Blue/Tolu
When I first came to Bonaire, this site was known as Ol’ Blue. Now it’s called Tolu, from the neighborhood it’s in. This is the first time I’ve dived it by boat.
Blue Tang
Coral and Algae
Barred Hamlet
Barred Hamlet
Coral and Sponges
Stoplight Parrotfish (Initial Stage)
Threespot damselfish juvenile
Staghorn Coral
Foureye Butterflyfish
A Dive of My Own
For the last dive of the day, I decided to do one dive by myself, trading time for depth, hoping to get some good stuff along the wall of the house reef to the south. I think I did.
Convoluted Barrel Sponge
Blackbar Soldierfish
Coral and vase sponge
Blackbar Soldierfish
Smooth Trunkfish
Stoplight Parrotfish (Initial Stage)
Smooth Trunkfish
Black Margate
Sand Diver Lizardfish
Sunset after the dive