Sunday was the first day of diving for us, as we got in too late on Saturday to pick up our weights. Our first dive was off the dock at Buddy Dive. Generally, we’ve headed northwards here, as the current tends to flow southerly, but this morning we headed out to the south, because we’d seen signs of a bait ball on the surface that way.
Stovepipe Sponges
Blackbar Soldierfish
Grouper and Sponge
Stoplight Parrotfish (initial phase)
White Spotted Filefish
Convoluted Barrel Sponge
Pillar Coral
Creole Wrasses
Southern Stingray
After lunch and grocery shopping, we headed out for the afternoon’s dives. The first dive was at Salt Pier, a big long conveyor belt ending in a terminal used to transfer evaporated salt to ships. The terminal stands on a bunch of pilings. For most of the dive, rather than using my strobe, I was using a red filter over the camera lens to correct the blue cast of underwater light. For these pictures, it mostly worked – I was able to shoot by existing light, which gives the pictures a depth you can’t get with a strobe, and the color was mostly OK – not as good as with the strobe, but acceptable.
Ralph inspecting a sponge
Foureye Butterflyfish and sponges
Fish around Salt Pier
Mahogany Snappers at Salt Pier
Mahogany Snappers at Salt Pier
Looking up at the surface
Sponges (strobe)
Sergeant Major (strobe)
Sergeant Major (strobe)
Discarded ladder under the pier
Ralph swimming between pilings
Basket Sponge on a Piling
Looking up a Piling
Scrawled Filefish
Salt Pier Pilings
Striped Butterflyfish
Backlit Banded Butterflyfish
Because I was using a filter rather than the strobe, I decided to try shooting a little video as well (use the Play button to make it start):
The last dive of the day was at Aquarius, another shore dive just to the north of Salt Pier. Again, these pictures were shot with the red filter.
Larry and Jean Wasko
Blue Tang
Coral Head
Queen Parrotfish (terminal phase)
Creole Wrasses
Basket Sponge
Underwater Landscape
Sharptail Eel
Blue Striped Grunt in a coral outcropping near shore
Salt Pier in the Distance