I’ve been busy getting ready for Christmas the last few days. Last Sunday we put up our tree; I printed off the Christmas cards Wednesday, and they went out Thursday. Friday night I finished my major Christmas shopping, yesterday I took care of stocking stuffers and gift cards, then we went to visit my sister to help put up her tree, as we always do.
This morning I put the site into Christmas Mode; the header image this year is a section of my Christmas card from a few years back. I spent the afternoon cleaning up the basement and porch to get ready for Christmas Eve. At the moment, I’m procrastinating, writing this post, when I should be wrapping and finishing cleaning.
It feels more hectic this year, because of the calendar. Usually there’s one more weekend between Thanksgiving and Christmas to get stuff done. Generally, we go up to Rockport for the day one of those weekends; there hasn’t been time for that this year. The flip side of the hecticness is that hopefully, if I can get finished over the next day or so, I’ll be able to sit back and relax for a few days.