So, we’re back in Daylight Savings Time. As I type this, I’m at the Boston Sea Rovers show, waiting for the first seminar of the day to begin. It seems to me that everybody here is feeling the time shift. It’s 10 minutes to the start of the talk, and the audience is still sparse and fairly subdued. At least it makes it easier for the folks from Bonaire, who are used to this time.
Of the talks yesterday, my favorite was Joe Romeiro’s. It was billed as a talk on the sharks of New England, but basically, he was just rummaging through folders of pictures in the Finder and showing off a potpourri of pictures and videos from all over. He was the guy who shot the amazing shark video on You Tube, and is also a very engaging speaker.
I’m kinda sad about the end of winter. Although I don’t do it well, I enjoy cross country skiing, and there wasn’t much of it this year. The Weston Ski Track was continually battling the warm weather, and ended up having to make more snow later than they normally do. They only had the full course open one weekend, the weekend we got back from Bonaire. Windblown XC in New Hampshire was only open for last weekend. They did have great snow last weekend, but it’s gone now.
I guess it’s time put the bike back in the car and start hitting the bike path after work.