There was also a presentation from one of the restorers at the Seashore Trolley Museum, and I picked up several issues of Rollsign, plus a copy of the 1947 transportation report for Boston. I also saw, but couldn’t afford, a rollsign from one of the Boeing LRVs.
(Note- this video and post were shot and composed on my iPhone.)
Update: The video, which uses the HTML 5 video element, is only viewable on Safari, as far as I can tell. I’d have to create a second encoding for Firefox and Opera users, which kind of limits the usability of adding video through the iOS WordPress app.
Second update: unlike the WordPress web app, you can’t switch easily between WYSIWYG and raw code modes– and the app (or the OS) aggressively converts encoded angle brackets to actual angle brackets– leading to accidental tags.
Third update, 4/30: Created WebM and Ogg Theorea versions, and changed markup to use video and source tags, instead of video with a single src attribute. It’s now visible on Firefox and Opera, and I assume Chrome. What a nuisance.